Is your print budget in trouble? Unknown costs and unnecessary habits can drag you down–but the good news is that managed print services is here to help. Let’s take a closer look!
Why Managed Print Services?
Managed print services is a little like outsourcing the responsibility for your entire print environment. That includes security, budgets, troubleshooting, and more–all placed in expert hands.
The key difference is that you maintain a good amount of control when you work with managed print services. It’s more like a partnership–one where your experience and company-specific knowledge are key parts of the printing puzzle. You and your provider ensure you’re on the same page before making changes or implementing solutions.
It all beings with a print assessment. This stress-free audit is a close look at your printers, budgets, supply orders, habits, and more. It’s also the first step in identifying problems and choosing targeted solutions.
Saving Money with Managed Print Services
Managed print services helps you catch some of the most common print budget problems, including:
Fleet size and organization: Do you have too many printers or too few? Is every machine perfectly optimized for your needs? If you have any issues in this area, your budget could suffer–but managed print services and a print audit can help.
Unnecessary printing: When employees print personal items or print work documents when an email would have sufficed, your budget takes a blow. Managed print services helps identify bad habits and establish print guidelines to help employees know what’s appropriate, acceptable, and secure.
Supply order problems: Many companies don’t know how many consumables they really use, so they order too much or too little–and that leads to all kinds of extra costs. With managed print services, you can keep track of your accurate needs and order supplies accordingly.
In conclusion, managed print might just be the best thing that could happen to your print budget–and your print environment overall.
Ready to get started? Contact us today to see how managed print services can save your budget.
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