Keeping up with the printers in the office can be a lot more complicated than it seems at first. Keeping the printer in good condition requires maintenance and occasional repairs. Keeping the printer stocked is another issue that can take time and planning. Then, the cost of the paper and the cost of running the printer have to be factored in. To make all of this easier and less expensive, businesses are increasingly turning to managed print services.
Monitoring Printer Usage
One reason that print costs can be so high for some businesses is that there is no accountability for printer usage. Managed print services make it easy to see exactly who is using the printer and how much they print. Often, this points to frivolous usage of the printer. When employees are held accountable for how much they print, their usage of the machine often falls off. The best way to make this happen is to tell employees that they will not have their printer usage monitored to make sure they aren’t printing too much. This will cause them to really think about the printing they do and whether it is actually necessary.
Preventing Downtime
When the printer is done, productivity goes down. A printer that is out of service or out of ink and/or paper leads to employees who have to simply stand around and wait while those problems are fixed. This kills productivity, and it means that work is completed far more slowly. Managed print services ensure that the printers are monitored for low levels of ink and paper. It also includes regular maintenance visits to keep it in good condition for longer. This gives the printer more uptime and less standing-around time for your employees.
Lowering Print Costs
With less downtime for your printer, productivity won’t suffer. This means no loss of revenue coming from employee downtime. And because printer monitoring leads to less printer usage, your company will pay less for paper, ink and the electricity used to run the printer. With lower print costs each month, the savings add up to a lot over time.
If your company is ready for lower costs and better productivity, contact us about managed print services.
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